It is time you started building your credit! But worry not, you won’t need to go into debt or pay fees or interest to get started.
After all, if you're looking for a scholarship, you should be looking to build your credit too. And Fizz is here to help!
Fizz, is a card that makes it easy to build credit, earn rewards and learn about finance - all without the pitfalls of a normal credit card
We’re offering you a chance to win $1,234 in this random draw scholarship! Winner will be picked at random.
We're looking for students who want help building credit. We don't run credit checks, we don't charge fees or interest, and we link to your existing bank account to keep you from spending more than you have and going into debt! It doesn’t get better than that! You can even get campus rewards you actually care about! After all, if you're looking for a scholarship, you should be looking to build your credit too.
All you have to do is download the Fizz app and finish sign up using the code YOUWIN
As a bonus, you’ll get a $15 bonus when you sign up using this code!